(from LEI, David Verble article, follow link)
Examples of the confusion caused by unclear standards in engineering, late change submissions, and HR facilitating management agreement to support training by David Verble.
key points:
“Most companies have KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), but these are generally operational output or end-of-process measures. They also are “lagging indicators” because they show the result of the work performed but not how smoothly and efficiently the work is flowing in the process–unless they fail to achieve output KPIs. With no process or work standards, those completing the process have no way to evaluate how they are performing or where to focus problem-solving when there are problems in output results.”
“Without a standard, there is no way to see what improvements need to be made to improve performance or see the impact of changes that have been made. It’s hard to improve on a base of chaos.”
1) you can’t just drop responsibility for something on people. You must make sure it works with their situation and priorities if you expect them to follow through on it.
2) you have to understand the broader context of what else is going in the company when you ask for agreement to a plan.