The Machine that Changed the World

Womack, James, Jones, Roos

Based on Taiichi Ohno, Eiji Toyoda

Covers the 5 year study of the auto industry, identifying what made Toyota (lean) a superior automotive manufacturer over all other (traditional mass production) companies.


Suppliers p59

Product Development & Engineering p63

Most Important Organizational Features of a Lean Plant p99

Running the Factory p79

Design p105

Starting Off in Lean Production p129

Coordinating the Supply Chain p146

Establishing Prices and Jointly Analyzing Costs p148

Dealing with Customers p169

Managing the Lean Enterprise

Proposed Multiregional Motors p220

Diffusing Lean Production p225

Completing the Transition p257

Outdated Thinking about the World Economy p260

End Notes p289


Mass production:

– almost anyone could drive & repair the car

- key to the assembly line: the complete & consistent interchange ability of parts & the simplicity of attaching them to each other.


Because the new techniques were easy to master & production workers were idle during the die changes, Ohno let the production workers perform the die changes as well, removing the need for die change specialists. Endless experimentation led to time reduction for die changes decreased from 1 day to 3 minutes, where he discovered it cost less per part to make small batches of stampings than to run off enormous lots (due to reduced inventory carrying costs, and stamping mistakes show up immediately).


If workers failed to anticipate problems before they occurred & didn’t take the initiative to devise solutions, the work of the whole factory could easily come to a halt. Holding back knowledge & effort – repeatedly noted by industrial sociologists as a salient feature of all mass production systems – would swiftly lead to disaster in Ohno’s factory.


Toyota – pay was steeply graded by seniority rather than by specific job function and tied to company profitability through bonus payments (rights of workers went far beyond what most unions had been able to negotiate for mass production workers in the west)

- employees also agreed to be flexible in work assignments and active in promoting interests of the company by initiating improvements rather than merely responding to problems. A.k.a ‘if we are going to take you on for life, you have to do your part by doing the jobs that need doing’


- in mass production, none of the specialists beyond the assembly worker was actually adding any value to the car. The assembly workers could probably do most of the functions of the specialists and do them much better because of their direct acquaintance with conditions on the line.

- Ohno experimented by grouping workers into teams with a team leader, teams were given a set of assembly steps, their piece of the line, and told to work together on how best to perform the necessary operations. The team leader would do assembly tasks as well as coordinate the team, and would fill in for any absent worker.

- The team’s next job was housekeeping, minor tool repair, and quality checking. After teams were running smoothly, he set time aside periodically for the team to suggest ways collectively to improve the process (known here as quality circles)

- This continuous, incremental improvement process (Kaizen in Japanese) took place in collaboration with industrial engineers

- Workers should think any error they allow to continue down the line will be cause for disciplinary action, as this error will compound as it moves down the line, causing enormous rectification work, or possibly not detected at all. Also, because of late detection, a large number of similarly defective vehicles would be built before the problem was solved

- In the case an error is detected, the whole line is stopped immediately and the whole team come together to work on the problem.

- The 5 Why’s; production workers are taught to trace systematically every error back to its ultimate cause (by asking why as each layer of the problem is uncovered), then devise a fix so it will never occur again

- Initially the line stopped constantly and workers became discouraged; however with experience identifying and tracing problems to their ultimate cause, number of errors dropped dramatically, resulting to yields approaching 100%

- Rework before shipment fell continually, and quality of shipped cars steadily improved because:

o Quality inspection, no matter how diligent, simply cannot detect all the defects that can be assembled into today’s complex vehicles

- Today, Toyota plants have practically no rework areas & perform almost no rework (mass prod plants devote 20% of plant area & 25% of total hours to effort fixing mistakes), and delivered cars have the lowest number of defects of any in the world, comparable to the very best of German luxury car producers



under Mass Production,

o suppliers have little opportunity of incentive to suggest improvements in the production design based on their own manufacturing experience;

o they have no practical way of optimizing their parts for the buyer because they are given practically no information about the rest of the vehicle

o the focus on short term cost pits suppliers against one another, blocking the flow of information horizontally between suppliers, particularly on advances in manufacturing techniques; preventing them from steadily decreasing the cost of their production through improved organization & produces innovations;

o the buyer, knowing little about a supplier’s manufacturing techniques, has no way of improving quality except by establishing a max acceptable level of defects. As long as most firms produce to about the same level of quality, it is difficult to raise this level.

- Regarding co-coordinating the flow of parts within the supply system on a day to day basis: inflexibility of tools in supplier plants (comparable to the inflexibility of stamping presses in assembler plants) and the erratic nature of orders from assemblers responding to shifting market demand, caused mass production within supplier plants which results in high inventory costs and routine production of thousands of parts later found to be defective when installed at the assembly plant

Lean approach to components supply

- Organize suppliers into functional tiers; 1st tier suppliers were responsible for working as an integral part of the product development team in developing a new product, which would work in harmony with other systems

- 1st they’re given a performance specification (ex. Design a set of brakes that can stop a 2200lb car from 60 mph in 200 ft 10x in succession without fading. Brakes should fit into a space 6” x 8” x 10” at the end of each axle and be delivered to the assembly line for $40 a set.

- Suppliers are told to deliver a prototype for testing; if the prototype worked, they got a production order.

- ***Toyota did not specify what the brakes were made of or how they were to work; these were engineering decisions for the supplier to make

- 1st tier suppliers were encouraged to talk among themselves about ways to improve the design process

- Because each supplier (for the most part) specialized in one type of component and did not compete in that respect with other suppliers in the group, sharing this information was comfortable & mutually beneficial

- Each 1st tier supplier formed a 2nd tier of suppliers under itself. Companies in the 2nd tier were assigned the job of fabricating individual parts. These suppliers were manufacturing specialists, usually without much expertise in product engineering but with strong backgrounds in process engineering and plant operations

- Because 2nd tier suppliers were all specialists in manufacturing processes & not competitors in a specific type of component, it is easy to group them into supplier associations so that they to can exchange information on advances in manufacturing techniques

- Toyota spun its in-house supply operations were quasi-independent 1st tier supplier companies where Toyota retained a fraction of the equity and developed similar relationships with other suppliers who had been completely independent. As the process proceeded, 1st tier suppliers acquired much of the rest of the equity in each other (12 – 22% in each on average)

- Toyota also acts as banker for its supplier group, providing loans to finance the process machinery required for a new product


- Toyota also shared personnel with supplier group firms

o By lending them personnel to deal with workload surges,

o and transferring senior managers not in line for top positions at Toyota to senior positions in supplier firms

- Toyota encouraged suppliers to perform considerable work for other assemblers and for firms in other industries, because outside business almost always generated higher profit margins (ex. A 1st tier firm Nippondenso does 60% of its business with Toyota, who holds 22% of it’s equity; 30% of its equity is held in the Toyota supplier group; 6% by a German components group, totaling 58%. Remaining 42% traded publicly)

- Just in time is Kanban in Japanese, making close proximity important to reduce transportation costs

- It eliminates practically all inventories, so if one small part of the production system fails, the whole system comes to a stop – removing the safety net - necessary to focus every member of the vast process on anticipating problems before they become serious enough to stop everything


Lean Product Development & Engineering

- In mass production, an engineer who spends his whole career designing auto door locks is not an expert on how to make door locks (a door lock manufacturing engineers job). He only knows how he thinks they should look and work if made correctly.

- Divided labour systems have many weaknesses. Ohno & Toyoda decided product engineering encompassed both process & industrial engineering.

- They formed teams with strong leader that contained all the relevant expertise. Career paths were structured so that rewards went to strong team players rather than to those displaying genius in a single area of product, process or industrial engineering, but without regard to their function as a team, resulting in a dramatic leap in productivity, product quality and responsiveness to changing consumer demand

- As Toyota could deliver superior reliability (which consumers wanted) they found they no longer had to match exactly the price of competing mass production products.

- Their flexible production system & its ability to reduce production engineering costs let the company supply the product variety buyers wanted with little cost penalty. A lean producer needs half the time a mass producer does to design a new product, so they can offer twice as many products with the same development budget.

- Japanese companies initially minimized distribution costs by focusing on 1 or 2 product categories in each export market.

- The traditional North American system is a system marked by a lack of long term commitment on either side, which maximizes feelings of mistrust. In order to maximize bargaining position, everyone holds back info, the dealer about the product, the consumer about his true desires, and everyone loses in the long term.

- Toyota’s strategy was to develop a long term, or life long relation between the assembler, dealer and buyer by building the dealer into the production system and the buyer into the product development process. The dealer became part of the production system as Toyota gradually stopped building cars in advance for unknown buyers and converted to a build to order system in which the dealer was the first step in the kanban system, sending orders for pre-sold cars to the factory for delivery to specific customers in 2 to 3 weeks.

- Dealers worked with the factory to sequence orders in a way the factory could accommodate. The lean system could not deal with large surges or troughs in total demand or abrupt shifts in demand between products that could not be built with the same tools. Sequencing orders was possible because sales staff did not wait in the showroom for orders, they went directly to customers by making house calls. When demand began to dip they worked more hours, and when demand shifted they concentrated on households they knew were likely to want the type of car the factory could build.

o This was possible because of a second feature of aggressive selling – massive database on households and their buying preferences Toyota gradually built up on every household ever showing interest in a Toyota product. Using this information sales staff could target their efforts to the most likely buyers.

- Toyota focused relentlessly on repeat buyers; they were determined never to lose a former buyer & could minimize the chance of this happening using data in the consumer data base to predict what buyers would want next as their incomes, family size, driving patterns, and tastes changed. Toyota went to its existing customers in planning new products.

Running the Factory


Lean believes in having as little space as possible so that face to face communication among workers is easier, and there is no room to store inventories

o When a worker found a defective part, he tagged it and sent it to the quality control area in order to obtain a replacement part. Once in quality control, the part is subjected to the 5 why’s to trace the defect to its ultimate cause so it will not recur

o Lean organization must come before high tech process automation if a company is to gain the full benefit. Some GM plants had a higher level of automation than others which were more productive; so automation is not a factor in explaining the productivity gap.

o The first production models of any new car are unlikely to reach consumers. Instead, competitors buy them, immediately tearing them apart for competitive assessment

o Very few car companies conducted systematic benchmarking studies of their competitors.

o Manufacturability is conducive to high performance in the factory

o GM noted 41% of the productivity gap could be traced to the manufacturability of the 2 designs (GM’s and Ford’s). The other major cause of the productivity gap was plant organizational practices.

o Ease of manufacture is one of the most important results of a lean design process.

o There was no correlation at all between the number of models and body styles being run down a production line and either productivity or product quality.

o To those who think a focused factory is the solution to their competitive problems: plants in the survey with the highest under the skin complexity also had the highest productivity and quality


Most Important Organizational Features of a Lean Plant

2 key features:

1) It transfers the maximum number or tasks and responsibilities to those workers actually adding value to the car on the line, and

2) it has in place a system for detecting defects that quickly traces every problem, once discovered, to its ultimate cause.

o Teamwork among workers and a simple comprehensive information display system makes it possible for everyone in the plant to respond quickly to problems and understand the plants overall situation. All information, daily production targets, current production, equipment breakdowns, personnel shortages, overtime required, etc. are displayed on boards (electronic displays) visible from every work station. Every time anything goes wrong anywhere in the plant, any employee who knows how to help runs to lend a hand.

o In the end a dynamic work team emerges as the heart of the lean factory. Workers are taught a wide variety of skills so all jobs in their work group can be rotated and workers can fill in for each other. Workers then need to acquire many additional skills: simple machine repair, quality checking, housekeeping, materials ordering. Then they need encouragement to think actively, proactively, so they can devise solutions before problems become serious.

o Plants trying to adopt lean production reveal workers respond only when there exists some sense of reciprocal obligation, a sense management actually values skilled workers, will make sacrifices to retain them, and is willing to delegate responsibility to the team.

o Merely changing the organization chart to show “teams” and introducing quality circles to find ways to improve production processes are unlikely to make much difference

o Workers should have confidence in the operating management, who works hard to understand lean principles, and believe that if all employees worked together to get the job done in the best way the company could protect their jobs.

- Lean production offers a creative tension where workers have many ways to address challenges. This is what separates manual factory work from professional think work in mass production

- For this system to work, management must offer its full support to the factory work force and, when the market slumps, make sacrifices to ensure job security that has historically been offered only to valued professionals.

- If management fails to lead and the work force feels no reciprocal obligations are in force, it is quite predictable lean production will revert to mass production.



Most automotive companies develop some sort of matrix in which every employee involved in developing a product reports both to a functional department and to a development program. The leadership challenge is managing the matrix to satisfy the needs of both the functional department and the product development program.

At Honda, 1 person is appointed Large Project Leader (shusa). Each project member is on loan from a functional department. Appropriate people are borrowed from the relevant departments and transferred to the project for its life. The Large Project Leader’s task is to manage, and he able to move the project along rapidly because all necessary resources are under his direct control.

- the magnitude of the performance difference between lean and mass production: nearly a 2:1 difference in engineering effort and a saving of 1/3 in development time.

- Innovations are most useful when they are available to everyone.

- There are 4 differences in design methods employed by mass and lean producers:

o leadership,

o teamwork,

o communication

o simultaneous development.

Together these make is possible to do a better job faster with less effort.


o Shusa is needed, the leader of the team whose job it is to design and engineer a new product and get it fully into production. The position of shusa carries great power and may be the most coveted in the company

o Position of directing a process requiring far too many skills for any one person to master.

o We will always need craftsmen to exist, but we are in an era when the skills involved are not so much technical as social and organizational


o Employees selected for the team retain ties to their functional department, but for the life of the program they are clearly under the control of the shusa. How they perform in the team, as judged by the shusa, will control their next assignment, whish will probably be another development team.

 The problem with short term loan in mass production facilities is the peoples focus:

• the members’ success depends on moving up through their functional specialty, and they work hard in the team to advance the interest of their department.

o Japanese companies are able to use fewer people partly because efficient organization requires fewer bodies, but also because there is so little turnover.


o Many western development efforts fail to resolve critical design trade offs until very late in the project; one reason is US team members show great reluctance to confront conflicts directly. They make vague commitments to a set of design decisions – agreeing to try to do something as long as no reason crops up not to;

o In Japan team members sign formal pledges to do exactly what everyone has agreed upon as a group. Conflicts about resources and priorities occur at the beginning rather than at the end of the process. Another reason is a design process that is sequential, going from one department to the next rather than being kept at team headquarters, makes communication to solve problems very difficult in any case.

o In Japanese lean projects, numbers of people involved are highest at the outset. All relevant specialties are present, and the shusa’s job is to force the group to confront all difficult trade offs they’ll have to make to agree on the project.

Simultaneous Development

o Die production begins at the same time as body design, because body designers and die designers are in direct, face to face contact and probably have worked together in previous product development teams.

o Die designers know the approximate size and number of panels for the new car, so they begin making rough cuts in the steel, so it’s ready to move to final cutting as soon as the final panel designs are released (requires understanding of panel design process & anticipation of designers final solution)

o Die cutters have special quick change cutting tools, allowing one machine to handle many different types of cuts, so the dies being cut spend much less time in queues.

o Suppliers have up to 51% share in engineering the assemblers product

It is necessary to build up the plant’s production rate slowly, stopping as necessary to get each step tight rather than rushing ahead and going back later to rework errors not just in the cars but in the entire production organization.

Starting off in Lean production


- University trained mechanical, electrical & materials engineers start off assembling cars. At Honda all entry level engineers spend their first 3 months working on the assembly line. They’re then rotated to the marketing department for 3 months. They spend the next year rotating through the engineering departments: drive train, body, chassis, and process machinery. After they have been exposed to the entire range of activities involved in designing and making a car, they are ready for an assignment to an engineering specialty like engine department


- Initially they will likely be assigned to a new product development team. There they will do very routine work, largely adapting established designs to the precise needs of the new model. This task continues for up to 4 years.

- After successfully working on a new development project, the young engineer is likely to be transferred back to the engine department to do more fundamental work, perhaps on the design of a new engine (an engine development program, like a new model development program, requires 3 – 4 yrs between initial concept and actual production.

- After finishing this work on a 2nd type of development team, some of the most promising are selected for additional academic training and then set to work on longer term & more advanced projects; (an engineer might study how to incorporate fiber reinforcements into highly stressed metal parts). In working on these projects, the engineers consult closely with academic experts on retainer to the company. These longer term development projects have a very specific objective: to remedy some weakness in the company’s products identified by the product or major component development teams – so they are tied tightly to the needs & timetable of specific development projects. The work is conducted by engineers who thoroughly understand the practicalities of product development and production. To ensure engineers maintain their sensitivity, all are assigned to spend a month each year working in 1 of the other functional areas of the company (selling, factory operations, supply coordination, etc.)

- Engineering, even the most advanced sort, must be tied into the key market driven activities of the company


- When Japanese planned around rising energy prices and smaller engines, things went the opposite direction and consumers demanded larger more powerful cars. So the product development teams turned to the advanced engineering groups, which suggested introducing every available technical feature to boost the performance for the basic 4-cyl engines.

- These features were conceptually simple: fuel injection rather than carburetors, 4 valves per cylinder instead of 2, balanced shafts in the bottom of the engine, turbochargers and superchargers, a 2nd set of overhead cams, and an additional set of cams for use at higher speeds.

- Engineers worked hard on refinement: paying attention to the smallest details of an engine design so the finished engine runs smoothly & without complaint at all speeds in all driving conditions, imitating the performance of a much larger engine, imitating the performance of a larger engine.

- Because engineers paid endless attention to manufacturability; because they were going against one good engineering practice (adding parts & complexity to an already complex device), they had to work extra hard at manufacturability so the complex engines would work properly every time & entail only the minimum of extra production expense

Coordinating the Supply Chain


1/3 to 1/8 as many suppliers are involved compared to mass production, because lean producers assign a whole component to a ‘first tier supplier’ who is in charge of delivering the complete component to the assembly plant. This allows the suppliers to collaborate in producing parts that function in harmony with each other

- the 1st tier supplier typically has a team of 2nd tier suppliers (independent companies who are manufacturing specialists. These companies may engage helpers in a 3rd or 4th tier of the supply pyramid. The latter companies make individual parts according to drawings supplied by the 2nd tier firm.

- 1st tier suppliers assign staff members (resident design engineers) to the development team shortly after the planning process starts and 2 to 3 yrs prior to production. As product planning is completed, with continuous input from the suppliers’ engineers, different areas for the car (suspension, electrical system, lighting, climate control, seating, steering etc.) are turned over to that area’s supplier specialist to engineer in detail. So it is that 1st tier suppliers have full responsibility for designing and making component systems that perform to the agreed upon performance specification in the finished car. The supplier’s development team, with its own shusa and with the help of resident design engineers from the assembler company and the 2nd tier suppliers, then conducts detailed development and engineering.


Almost all relationships between supplier and assembler are conducted within the context of the basic contract, which is on one hand, an expression of the assemblers & suppliers long term commitment to work together. It also establishes ground rules for determining prices as well as quality assurance, ordering & deliver, proprietary rights & materials supply a.k.a.: a cooperative relationship.

Establishing Prices and Jointly Analyzing Costs

- first the lean assembler establishes a target price for the car of truck and then, with suppliers, works backwards, figuring how the vehicle can be made for this price while allowing for a reasonable profit for both the assembler and the suppliers.

- It is a ‘market price minus’ system as opposed to the western ‘supplier cost plus’ system

- To achieve target cost, both assembler & supplier use value engineering techniques to break down the costs of each stage of production, identifying each factor that could lower the cost of each part. Once this is completed, the 1st tier supplier designated to design and make each component enters into mutual bargaining with the assembler, not on the price, but on how to reach the target and still allow a reasonable profit for the supplier. (This is the opposite process of price determination in the West)

- Once the part is in production, a technique called value analysis is used to achieve further cost reductions. Value analysis, which continues the entire time the part is being produced, is a technique for analyzing the costs of each production step in detail, so that cost critical steps can be identified and targeted for further work to reduce costs still further.

- These savings may be achieved by incremental improvements, or kaizen, the introduction of new tooling, or the redesign of the part.

- Machine operators can collect the data in many cases, making it possible to do a complete cost analysis several times a year and monitor progress in cutting costs accurately

- For the lean approach to work, the supplier must share a substantial part of its proprietary information about costs and production techniques; both go over every detail in the supplier’s production process looking for ways to cut costs & improve quality; in return the assembler respects the supplier’s need to make a reasonable profit.

- Agreements between the 2 on sharing profits gives suppliers the incentive to improve the production process, because it guarantees the supplier keeps all the profits derived from its own cost saving innovations and kaizen activities.

- By agreeing to share the profits from joint activities and letting suppliers keep the profits from additional activities they undertake, the assembler relinquishes the right to monopolize the benefits of the suppliers’ ideas.

- Once a component is designed and production begins, lean production has few running changes because the new product tends to work the way it is supposed to.


- It is almost universal components are delivered direct to the assembly line, several times a day, with no inspection of incoming parts. To make just in time work, the system has a signal sent from the assembler back to the supplier indicating to make more parts.

- In Japanese lean, employees are considered a fixed cost because they are there for life. In western firms, labour is considered a variable cost as employees are hired and laid off as needed. Due to employees being a fixed cost, Japanese lean works hard at heijunka (production smoothing).

- During market slumps, the aggressive selling system has made it possible to cut prices in order to keep production volume steady.

- Another motive for practising heijunka: to ensure a steady volume of business for suppliers. Suppliers are given advanced notice of changes in volume. If changes persist, assemblers work with suppliers to find other business. Assemblers do not pull activities in house so it can keep its own staff working. There is a commitment to share the bad times as well as the good. Suppliers are to a degree, considered a fixed cost like employees.


- Suppliers know as long as they make a good faith effort to perform as they should, the assembler will ensure they make a reasonable return on their investment. Sharing with other group members means the performance of the whole group will improve and every member will benefit. Active participation in mutual problem solving through the supplier group is an act of self interest

- To ensure everyone tries hard continually, the assemblers usually divide their parts order between 2 or more members of their supplier group, to prevent anyone letting down on quality or delivery reliability [Remember prices have already been set].

- When a supplier falls short on quality or reliability, the assembler does not dismiss the company; instead, they shift a fraction of the business from that supplier to its other source for that part for a given period of time as a penalty. Since costs & profit margins have been carefully calculated on an assumed standard volume, shifting part of the volume can have a devastating effect on the profitability of an uncooperative supplier. This form of punishment is highly effective in keeping everyone on their toes, while sustaining the long term relationship essential to the system.

- Suppliers are never kept in the dark about their performance. There are simple supplier grading systems, and suppliers receive scores based primarily on:

o the number of defective parts found on the assembly line,

o % of on time deliveries in the proper quantity and sequence, and

o performance in reducing costs

- Suppliers regularly compare their scores with those of their competitors, discuss the findings, and highlight problem areas for attention, often with the help of engineers loaned from the assembler. It assesses the supplier’s attitude and willingness to improve. Only if there is no sign of improvement will the supplier, in the end, be fired.

- “We will stick with any supplier as long as we believe they are making an earnest effort to improve. It’s only when we think they have given up we bring the relationship to an end.”

- Mutual interdependence


Ways Assemblers can reduce the number of suppliers

o Assigning whole components to a 1st tier supplier. Assembler’s admin cost for coordinating supply plummets

o Reducing the parts count in components.

- In the Toyota system, suppliers should never commit themselves to delivering at unrealistic prices but must be prepared instead to lower their price continually over the life of the model.

- For parts that are competitive on price but not quality, one strategy is to station a resident engineer at the supplier fulltime, so the quality problems can be attacked immediately

Most reforms in the West have involved pushing the traditional mass-supply system to its limits under pressure, instead of fundamentally changing the way the system works.

Western assemblers damage themselves through their unwillingness to give up the power based bargaining they have relied on for so long.

Japanese operate in a framework that channels the efforts of both parties toward mutually beneficial ends with a minimum of wasted effort.

They abandon power based bargaining and substitute an agreed upon rational structure for jointly analyzing costs, determining prices, and sharing profits – resulting in adversarial relationships giving way to cooperative ones.

Japanese suppliers face constant pressure to improve their performance, through constant comparison with other suppliers and contracts based on falling costs.

In lean production, suppliers can get on with the job of improving their own operations – with the knowledge they will be fairly rewarded for doing so.

Dealing with Customers


The link between the customer and production is the logical place to start in understanding any market driven manufacturing process. The success of mass production is geared to the needs of the manufacturing and design processes, with the customer coming last.

Ford demanded full payment from his dealers at the shipping dock but bought his parts and raw materials on consignment.

Since Japanese exporters could not accept special orders due to the distances involved in supply, they concentrated on adding a variety of options as standard equipment on the cars they export.


It is taken as a given a high level of service entails high distribution costs and this can only be justified on luxury makes with high gross margins. Cheaper items can logically only be sold through dealers offering the minimum of assistance to the consumer.

After visiting showrooms, they were amazed at just how little salespeople do know about their products.


Dealers (Channels) in Japan have different labels and model manes for their cars, but the main thing that differentiates them is their appeal to different groups of customers. During the entire period new cars destined for sale through the channel are being developed, staff members from the channel are on loan to development teams. Channels provide training to staff. They also provide staff and a full range of services for those dealerships where it does not own the facilities. Employees, many who are college grads, are hired right after graduation each spring and experience intensive training at Corolla ‘university’ which offers 60 courses, mostly related to marketing. Once fully trained - formal training continues every year for employees – they’re assigned to specific dealerships & begin selling cars.

Sales staff in each dealership is organized into teams of 7 or 8 (similar to teams in Toyota assembly plants). These teams are multi-skilled; all members are trained in al aspects of sales: product information, order taking, financing, insurance, and data collection, as well as to systematically solve owners’ problems as they arise.

Each team begins and ends the day with a team meeting. During the bulk of the day, team members disperse to sell cars door to door, with exception of one team that staffs the information desk in the dealership. Each month, the entire team takes a day to solve systematically any problem that have cropped up, using the 5 why’s and other problem solving techniques. These meetings are the equivalent of the quality circle in the factory.

Selling cars door to door; team members draw up a profile on every household within the geographic area around the dealership, they periodically visit each one, after first calling to make an appointment. During their visits they update the household profile: How many cars of what age does each family have? What is the make and specifications? How much parking space is available? How many children in the household and what use does the family make of its cars? When does the family think it will need to replace its cars? This information is fed back to the development teams.

Based on the info and a knowledge of the corolla product range, the sales representative suggests the most appropriate specification for a new vehicle to meet this particular customer’s needs (even if the family has doubts about what to buy or if it’s really in the market for a car, so the sales rep may bring a demonstration vehicle on the next visit. Once a household is ready to buy, it places a special order through the rep.

The vehicle order also typically includes a complete financing package, trade in on the old car, and insurance, because the sales agent is trained to provide one stop service for the buyer.

Factory execs try to make an educated guess about the demand for different versions, colors and so forth. Based on this forecast, they establish the plant’s build schedule, which is also given to components suppliers so they know what to make. Accuracy of these forecasts depends on how frequently the build schedule is revised (usually every 10 day). Once orders come in, the assembler adjusts the build schedule to make the specific cars the customer wants. The market research provides the basis for a more accurate build schedule

Because the customer is buying a car tailored to his needs, the haggling is almost eliminated. The salesperson doesn’t need to discount the product in order to get rid of a car that the customer would rather not have. The prime objective of the dealer is to keep the customer feeling he is part of the dealer’s family; customers should think they’ve been treated well and paid a fair price.

This is to be one of many transactions the customer does with this salesperson, who probably has already sold the customer a car in the past, taken care of the formalities of registering it an disposing of the traded car, arranged to have the car serviced, and seen it through the rigorous government inspections. Quite possibly the salesperson will have battled with the insurance company for an accident claim on the customer’s behalf & lent him a car while the customer’s own car was being repaired. The Japanese system aims to maximize the stream of income from a customer over the long term. It is clearly understood the dealer will fix any problems the owner encounters with the car even after the end of the formal warranty. Ordered cars are ready in 10 – 14 days and personally delivered by the sales representative. The new car buyer need never go near a dealership.

Lean dealerships have few cars on premise other than 3 – 4 demonstrator models. Stock of cars in the Japanese system averages 21 days. Sales teams are paid on a group commission, so they have no incentive to grab the customer before the next salesperson does or suggest he can provide a better deal. Instead members of the team all join in the discussion once the customer approached them to ask a specific question.

The heart of any Japanese dealership is its service area, whose primary purpose is to prepare vehicles for the Ministry of Transport inspections (a task providing a major source of revenue).

Retired cars: dealer resells 1/3 in the local market, 1/3 is shipped to other countries for sale, 1/3 is scrapped because repair costs the dealer would incur. Dealers repair anything that goes wrong, so they don’t want to take the risk of taking on high future costs or tarnishing their reputation.


The key objective of every distribution channel in Japan is to build and nurture lifetime channel loyalty. Once a new car is delivered, the owner becomes part of the Corolla family. This means frequent calls from the person selling the car – who henceforth becomes the owner’s personal sales agent. The rep will ensure the car is working properly and ferret out and problems the owner may be having, to relay back to the factory. The rep also sends the owner a birthday card or condolence card, and will call to ask if sons and daughters will need a car as they leave for college or 1st jobs. The channel is obsessed with market share and tries never to lose a single owner; relatively short term warranties are ignored. The channel will generally continue to fix defective cars at no cost to the owner throughout the vehicles normal life, provided the owners have not abused them (this implicit warranty does not apply to routine wear, such as replacing brake and clutch linings).

When sales lag, the sales force puts in more hours, and when sales lag to the point the factory no longer has enough orders to sustain full output, production personnel can be transferred into the sales system.

The buyer is treated as an integral part of the production process. The whole distribution system contains 3 weeks supply of finished units, most of which are already sold. In the same way lean producers only have a limited number of suppliers, they only work with a limited number of dealers, who all form an integrated part of their lean production system.


Japanese companies are aware of the costs of their system – they analyze the costs of every step in production down to the last yen.

The periodic surveys of practically all consumers in the Japanese market is the 1st step in the product development system. It avoids the need for the time consuming, expensive & frequently inaccurate market assessment surveys in the west.


When a consumer enters a Corolla dealership they are greeted with an elaborate computer display. Each owner in the Corolla family has a membership card that can be inserted in the display, which shows all the system’s information on that buyer’s household and asks if anything has changed. If so the machine invites the owner to enter new information. The system then makes a suggestion about he models most appropriate to the households needs, including current prices. A sample of each model is usually on display in the showroom immediately adjacent to the computer display. If interested the buyer can approach the sales desk. Cars sold in this manner are about 20% and rising steadily. Companies are planning to make the same information available at every owner’s home on a computer. The customer has access to other data bases too – on obtaining financing and insurance, parking permits, and information on 2nd hand cars (service & inspection history).

By keeping current customers happy, the company can focus on new customers.

Managing the Lean Enterprise



– had holding company at the top


– consisting of about 20 major companies, one in each industrial sector, no holding company.

– They’re held together by cross locking equity structures – each company owns a portion of every other company’s equity in a circular pattern – and a sense of reciprocal obligation.

– Among the key companies in every group are a bank, an insurance company, and a trading company.

– Each has substantial cash resources that can be made available to the members of the group.

– Their key purpose is to help each other raise investment funds – compared to the western stock market system for raising funds where stocks/loans are dropped at the 1st sign of trouble, and owners a.k.a. shareholders usually fail to confront the problem of clear slippage in competitive position until very late in the game.


By contrast, the Japanese group system is patient and extremely long term in orientation – but very well informed and highly critical of inadequate performance. Groups can afford to invest heavily to finance corporate turnarounds, because their considerable knowledge reduces the risks of failure.

The best lean producers believe the point of production is where value is truly added, not through indirect managerial activities, and all employees need to understand this fact as soon as they enter the company. Those who stay in the factory grow increasingly able to solve problems. Management stresses that problem solving is the most important part of any job.

Management’s objective is to give employees increasingly challenging problems to solve in order to continually test their skills, even when no promotion up a ladder to section head or factory manager is possible.

Higher pay comes largely on the basis of seniority, with performance bonuses as well. Lean companies try to make employees understand that their capacity to solve increasingly difficult problems is the most meaningful type of advancement they can achieve, even if their titles don’t change.

For those with a specialized skill (mechanical engineering is most common), the lean producer attempts to harness the skill to a team process where it will be of maximum use. Team members are shifted to subsequent teams and how they may be asked to learn entirely new skills as they move through their careers.

Decision making and problem solving are pushed far down the ladder, reducing the need for layers of middle & senior managers to send orders down and transfer information up.

Key functions for managers are to tie the supplier organizations to the assembler organization and to tie together geographically dispersed units of the company. Typically, the company sends mangers at the mid career level to high level positions in the supplier companies in the assembler’s group and rotates mid and senior level mangers between the company’s operations, particularly the foreign operations.

The practices create a complex network of interpersonal relations, so the assembler and suppliers and those in the company’s international operation know each other through personal contacts. They are also the conduit through which the company’s culture is spread into the supplier system and to new regions.


Lean production achieves its highest efficiency, quality and flexibility when all activities from design to assembly occur in the same place. – “we wish we could design, engineer, fabricate and assemble the entire car in one large room, so everyone involved could be in face to face contact with everyone else”

Supplier plants are mostly located nearby so parts can be shipped from supplier to assembler in less than a day’s drive. In North America, companies have located in the Ohio and Detroit area because they want to be close to the headquarters of U.S. suppliers and be able to recruit engineers easily.

Doing it all near the point of sale (operating in each of the 3 major regions: Europe, N.A. Asian):

- provides protection from trade barriers & currency shifts.

- A multiregional, top to bottom production system has the advantage of rich product diversity.

- Lean production can gain most economies of scale at much lower volume per individual product compared with mass production

o Achieving this goal presumes the variety of products can be assembled in sequence on one large production line using several sizes of engine and transmission from a large engine plant and a large transmission plant. So companies with higher production volumes for all their products combined still have a competitive advantage.

o Consumers in different regions continue to demand different types of products and ***attach different images to the same product***

 German luxury cars are sold as taxis in Germany to create a volume base for the manufacturer, but are sold in N.A. & Japan at much lower volumes and much higher prices as luxury goods. Or Honda offering a car made in the US to Japan as a limited edition, more luxurious & expensive model.

 Honda plans to develop a set of products unique to each region, to serve volume segments in that region. Then they will export these products to other regions to fill market niches, hoping their limited volume and exclusivity will permit charging higher prices. Nissan Skyline could also have taken advantage of this in N.A.

- A multiregional producer can achieve higher levels of sophistication in its managers, who gain exposure to many different environments. Managers gain extra perspective trying to manufacture products in different environments – by moving personnel back and forth between its different international operating units.

o Since managers have been exposed to radically different ways of solving problems, they also have the flexibility to think more creatively about strategic issues facing the company.


- Protection against the regional cyclicality of the market. Sales in every country tend to be more volatile than the general economy, but the world major markets don’t go up and down at the exactly the same time. A company with a presence in all major markets has more protection against cyclicality.

o This makes it easier to plow through the next recession, where they will cut prices if necessary to sustain smooth production at transplant facilities.

- Denies competitors from defending markets from which to skim profits to use in competitive battles elsewhere in the world.

o When told they could only sell a fraction of the cars they had sold previously, the Japanese raised their prices until sales fell to the required level. They then used these profits to wage a market share war in Japan, probably selling below cost in many cases and reducing start ups or foreign competition.

o They also used profits in Japan to underwrite massive investments in production facilities in N.A. and the development of new products.

It is often the case, the company taking the boldest leap in the world market is the one in the weakest position at home. [this would make sense, as it is looking to gain a stronghold somewhere and at home hasn’t worked yet]

Honda is an example, acquiring strong devoted consumers in N.A. while being considered scrappy in Japan.

Its vulnerability to currency shifts and trade barriers was simply too great if it didn’t spread its manufacturing base.

Honda obtains a wide range of components from traditional Honda suppliers from Japan who have opened American transplants nearby and from established American owned suppliers.

The management challenge:

devise a form of enterprise that functions smoothly on a multiregional basis and gains the advantage of close contact with local markets and the presence as an insider in each of the major regions. At the same time, it must benefit from access to systems for global production, supply, product development, technology acquisition, finance, and distribution.

Centralization generates intense resentment because the most important decisions are reserved for headquarters.

Extreme decentralization into regional subsidiaries in isolation ignores the advantages of cross regional integration, and creates gilded cages for highly paid national executives unable to rise ay farther in their organization.

Strategic alliances with independent partner firms from each region; a variant on the last extreme decentralization approach, leave the central question of coordination and overall management unanswered.

Proposed Multiregional Motors


- an integrated, global personnel system that promotes personnel from any country in the company as if nationality did not exist. Requires learning languages and socialization and a willingness to work much of ones career outside the home country.

- A set of mechanisms for continuous, horizontal information flow among manufacturing, supply systems, product development, technology acquisition and distribution. Develop strong shusa led teams for product development, bringing skills together with a clear objective.

o The strongest Japanese companies believe if you aren’t working directly on a product actually heading for the market, you aren’t adding value. So involving as many employees as possible in development work and production is vital. Companies should keep their eyes on the product the customer will buy.

o Teams should stay together for the life of the product, and team members would then be rotated to other product development team, quite possibly in other regions and even in different specialties (for ex. Product planning, supplier coordination, marketing). In this was the key mechanism of information flow would be employees themselves as they travel among technical specialties and across the regions of the company. Everyone would stay fresh and a broad network of horizontal information channels would develop across the company.

o Assigning new projects in new regions is a way to create a global flow of horizontal knowledge and gives every employee a sophisticated understanding of the world.

- A mechanism for coordinating the development of new products in each region and facilitating their sale as niche products in other regions – without producing lowest common denominator products. Logically this is to develop a full set of products for its regional market. Other regions may order these products for cross shipment as niche products wherever demand warrants.

o By shipping products in roughly equal volumes among its regional markets, currency shifts can be not be as significant as losses in one area are offset by higher profits in another

- Internationalizing corporate equity so funds are raised in each region in rough correspondence with sales volume and manufacturing investment would largely eliminate this concern. Dividends could be paid in the currency of the region to insulate the firm from currency shifts between regions.

Diffusing Lean Production


Lean production is a superior way for humans to make things. It provides better products in wider variety at lower cost. It also provides more challenging and fulfilling work for employees at every level, from the factory to headquarters.

Confusion About Diffusion


Reason for lack of resistance with mass prod

- done in the same city as craft production it was replacing, so all skilled workers could find jobs.

Challenge for the progress of lean – companies and workers using older production techniques find it hard to adopt new ways pioneered in other countries (nationalistic reaction), resulting in delays of decades in adopting the new production methods.


Ford supplied his factories despite the strike because he could supply parts from somewhere else. It was more costly for Ford, but the strikers exhausted their savings and gave in.


As lean production replaces mass production but the same number of vehicles are built, many jobs will disappear. ***however this will be necessary in the coming labour shortage***


A severe crisis at Ford, which threatened the survival of the company, was breaking the logjam of old thinking and entrenched interests. Employees at all levels were ready to stop thinking about how to advance their careers or the interests of their department and start thinking about how to save the company. This situation is the very definition of a creative crisis, allowing Ford to implement many elements of lean production and the results showed in the market place.


Regarding a French plant, since they had not faced a challenge from lean producer, they were unable to initiate the change in mind set needed to implement lean production.

Once 1 company was firmly committed offshore – and as it became apparent that shifting currencies and persistent trade barriers made foreign investment inevitable – all the Japanese companies rushed to follow Honda’s lead to N.A.


Managers, not fully understanding and committed to the company’s production system, may not be able to introduce or sustain lean production in a new milieu. High performing company (not stated)’s approach has been to send a large number or experienced managers from Japan to run its US plant, and is getting superlative results, exactly comparable, in fact, to the company’s performance in Japan.

The difference is not the Japanese people, but the managers collectively possess many years of experience and know how in making lean production work consistently in assembly plants. “we believe our production system, with its many nuances, can be learned by anyone… but it takes 10 years of practice under expert guidance”


Lean in the sea of cyclicality

- workers share a fate with their employer, suppliers share a fate with the assembler, in a system of reciprocal obligation. There is a willingness to participate actively and to initiate the continuous improvements that are at the very heart of leanness.

- Instead of mass prod which lays people and suppliers off, supporting a lack of commitment from both

- Lean companies have been able to survive slumps by cutting margins

- Most employees at all levels in Japanese companies receive a large part of their compensation [up to 1/3] in the form of bonuses directly tied to the profitability of the company. When the market drops, the companies operating costs (labour costs) are lower and production can be restored to a prior (lower) level.


Western Careers vs. Japanese Careers

- workers in lean companies are reluctant to leave for better opportunities in other companies other industries because practically all hiring in lean companies is from the bottom only and compensation within is based largely on seniority. Leaving would often be pointless because the employee would almost always be worse off starting off at the bottom elsewhere rather than waiting for the situation to improve with the current employer.

- In the West, high value is placed on having a portable skill, a concept tied to Western education systems that stress discrete competences and certify students to prove the skills have been attained. This concern about skills is very similar to the mind set of the skilled craftsman, who was – and is – obsessed with maintaining his portable skills, although professional workers in the West rarely see the parallel.

- For lean production systems to succeed, it needs dedicated generalists willing to learn many skills and apply them in a team setting. The problem is brilliant team play qualifies workers for more and better play on the same team but makes it progressively harder to leave. So a danger exists that employees who feel trapped in lean organizations will hold back their knowledge or even actively sabotage the system.


It is a matter of understanding the internal logic of lean production. It is a system based fundamentally on doing as much manufacturing as possible at the point of final assembly, including product development.

Completing the Transition


- mass producers need lean competitors located across the road, as they tend to change only when they see a concrete nearby example to strip away all other explanations why the other manufacturer is succeeding.

- Western producers need a better system of industrial finance, one which demands they do better while supplying large funds that will be needed to turn these large companies around

- Mass producers will need a crisis to move those trying to advance their own careers and wages/benefits divorced from productivity gains to a new sense of purpose and team spirit – so they face the reality their whole approach to production is doomed, and organizational changes that are Thought of as difficult are suddenly easy.


One of the most important tenets of the Toyota Production System is never to vary the work pace. Therefore, as efficiencies are introduced in the factory or design shop, or as the rate of production falls, it is vital to remove unneeded workers from the system so that the same intensity of work is maintained. Otherwise the challenge of continual improvement will be lost. The same is true of mass production companies converting to lean production. Excess workers must be removed completely and quickly from the production system if improvement efforts are not to falter.

- retraining workers for positions outside the company will be necessary; this is opposed by governments who do not want to support the costs, and by unions who lose strength as workers leave their companies (even if it’s in the best interests of the workers)

Outdated Thinking about the World Economy


- Lean production dramatically raises the threshold of acceptable quality to a level that mass production, particularly in low wage countries, cannot easily match.

- Lean offers ever expanding product variety and rapid response to changing consumer tastes, something low wage mass production finds hard to counter except through ever lower prices. Continually dropping prices is unlikely to work, because

- Lean dramatically lowers the amount of high wage effort needed to produce a given description, and it keeps reducing it through continuous incremental improvement.

- Lean can fully utilize automation in ways mass production cannot, further reducing the advantage of low wages.


Introduction of lean production can dramatically reduce production costs to spur the stagnant domestic market, where only the upper middle class can now afford the output of the inefficient mass produced products


Beware the risk of extra-regional export strategies in a world of fluctuating currencies.


The plants moving to Lean which perform best are those with a strong lean management presence in the early years of operations, and those that have moved slowly and methodically to build up their domestic supply base.


Companies should consider building a truly global personnel system where new workers from all regions where a company has design, engineering and production facilities are hired in at an early age and given the skills, including language skills and exposure to management in different regions, needed to become full citizens of these companies. This will mean an equal opportunity to head the company someday.

- supplier groups in each region need to operate by exchanging shares in supplier firms and offering full citizenship. They will need to regionalize their equity base and borrowings so that shifting currencies will not hinder the most appropriate deployment of production in each region. The keiretsu will need to include foreign companies.

- Western companies will need to embrace the concept of reciprocal obligation, making a long term commitment to the company of group. Japanese companies will need to abandon their narrow national perspective and quickly learn to treat foreigners who accept the obligations involved as full citizens.

End Notes


In Japan, government and industry exhibit a remarkable ability for restructuring and rationalization through the mechanism of the ‘recession cartel’ in which excess capacity is retired in an orderly manner and the financial pain is shared equally among industry participants. Typically, rather than permanent pay cuts, capacity is retired and excess workers are transferred to growing companies within the keiretsu.

Notes from revised version (20 yrs later)

Standardization – creating a precise and commonly understood way to conduct every essential step in every process.

Managers are taught from the beginning of their career how to identify a problem in the area they are managing; determine the aspects of the process that are currently causing the problem and envision a better process that should be able o solve the problem. Then develop an implementation plan, measures the results, and adjusts the process as necessary (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Toyota is more functional than originally thought.

Professionals work through their careers in one specialty; the difference is in the horizontal connectivity across the different functions

They thought employees were assigned for the life of the project & he controlled their career path.

Actually, they follow him because he leads, and they take responsibility for product development & production as supported by the bullet proof design & production processes developed within the functions.

Functions can be very effective in cooperating cross functionally with team leaders when the needs of the product are accurately stated, processes are adhered to, everything goes as it should and the project or process leader can get the attention of higher management if it doesn’t.

The key is the behaviour of the project leader, and of the function leaders as they jointly solve problems.

Emphasis on minimizing throughput time for the whole sequence of production steps while maximizing machine capability and availability (Toyota calls this ‘stability’) as opposed to machine utilization.

While robots are flexible and reprogrammable in theory, well trained production associates are more flexible and reprogrammable in pro-active, so Toyota never automates unless necessary.

No system of capital allocation makes much difference if the fundamental processes of a business are not being managed properly, and financiers are unlikely to understand these processes outside of their own business (if there).

The main difference between Toyota & Nissan’s results in managing suppliers is Toyota’s relentless oversight of every design, production and logistics process by asking hard questions about performance every day. Nissan, by contrast seems to have created a comfortable club where poor performance was forgiven to maintain group harmony.

What we lack as lean production diffuses across the world is a stable way for firms and independent suppliers sharing product value steams to work together to rigorously optimize the performance of the whole, not just the parts.

Kanban signals are paper or electronic, not actual bins as described on p154

Toyota has standard inventory, proportional to the volatility of orders from the customer and to the stability of the upstream process steps delivering what is needed.

The question is not whether to reduce inventories over time but how. Simply eliminating most inventories in advance of reduced order volatility or enhanced upstream stability leads to pain without gain.

Machine utilization – a key metric in standard cost accounting systems, which fails to account for the hidden costs of extra inventory, long lags in catching quality problems & long lead times

The lean approach would be to produce parts in the sequence ABABAB so that no waves of orders are sent back upstream (I think this means steady flow), production is much closer to actual customer requirements, and inventories are minimized.

Some batching is often still required due to the nature of technology, but a lean producer wants to steadily reduce batch sizes whenever possible to make small amounts of each item frequently in proportion to customer demand.

Tribal Knowledge (Starbucks)

John Moore


1) building your business creates the brand. Non-traditional ways of marketing

o opening in their neighbourhood

o opening near their place of work

o sampling at a community event

o hearing a friend rave about the newest and tastiest beverage

o wanting to emulate their favourite celebrity whom the paparazzi captured sipping from a logo’d cups

o a friend remarking to them about a remarkable starbucks experience they had

2) the way to spend marketing dollar is to make better customer experience

3) make the common uncommon. Satisfy wants, not needs.

4) Meaningful mktg – treating customers as being everyday explorers who seek to be interesting and interested. Building preference more than awareness, going beyond capturing attention to soliciting intention, fostering loyalty beyond reason from cust.

5) Brand = reputation management = all the feelings associated with it

6) Create intrigue

o What the specialty coffee category is – teach cust the appreciable differences between canned coffee & specialty

o What specialty coffee does – have cust. Taste/ sample

o What specialty coffee aspires to be – enjoyable

7) Customers will overcome their aversion to higher prices if the product they’re buying is well worth it. Every individual thing is the company’s 1 shot at success. Discounts cause people to focus on price. Low price strategy is for the marketer out of ideas.

8) 3 ways to increase sales

o get new cust. To buy

o get current cust. To buy more, more often – every time they enter they’re exposed to a new sampling or promotional activity highlighting something remarkable happening

o raise prices

9) to determine impact of potential marketing activity

o does the mktg activity respect the intelligence of customers?

o Can we expertly deliver on all the promises made to customers in the proposed activity?

o Will our employees be excited and motivated by the activity?

o Will customers view the mktg activity as being clever, original, genuine and authentic?

 Must answer yes to at least 3

 No spamming (bulk mailouts)

10) Be the best, not the biggest

11) Location – highly trafficked & highly visible location; what impression does the location give the cust? Does it trigger impulse sales? Does it positively benefit what’s around it (other business’)?

12) Describe it using emotional connotations felt with the product; the benefit of the benefit

13) Keep mktg authentic

o Be genuine & authentic – crosswords, complement coffee experience

o Evoke feelings, never prescribe feelings – quotes on cups created start conversation, enhancing experience

o Always say who you are, never who you are not – never mention or compare with the competition, in any way. All focus on yourself

o Stay connected to front line employees

o Deliver on all promises made – pics show imperfect coffee

o Respect people’s intelligence – no signs like “venti = large”

14) Taste maker. Merchandise

o Merchandise quality matches the high quality of the coffee

o Links directly to coffee or to a coffee moment

o Starbucks can make the product uncommonly better by adding innovation and or unique style

o The product offers distribution opportunities outside the starbucks stores, such as grocery stores, online, etc

o Product provides cust “rewarding moments” be it in a starbucks store, in a cust home, at a cust place of work, or while a cust is on the go

15) Excessive marketing spending will only speed the demise of any poorly conceived company. Marketing $$ spent on:

o Adding more unique beverages to its menu

o Adding wireless internet and music listening/cd burning kiosks to the coffee experience

o Adding more comfy couches and more reading tables in its stores

o Adding more partners on staff to increase speed of service

16) Focusing on fewer marketing programs will result in building bigger programs, driving better results. You can be more effective by being more selective.

17) The best companies have their own employees rooting for them. Getting bigger by positioning itself as being smaller can rally customers and employees alike

18) Word of mouth – it’s easier to get your friends to convince you to do something than the TV to convince you to do something

19) Wants – the extras – allow people to gain experiences above their means

20) Don’t lose a single customer. Always say yes. Connect (say hi when they arrive, friendly conversation), discover (needs, if they’re stressed), respond (bring to table if they’re hands are full).

21) Over deliver - Ten minute rule – open 10 minutes before scheduled time & stay open 10 minutes later than posted closing time. Mother with kids, take order at table, bring them complimentary muffin

22) Donate unused or unfresh stuff

23) Community involvement

o Increases employee morale, work performance, & attendance

o Increases employee retention rates

o Increases employees’ leadership skills

o enhances the co.’s reputation

o Improves a publicly traded company’s stock performance

24) Be nice. Be clean.

25) Some actions (pre-ordering, automated systems), while improving efficiency, harmed the experience, and were discontinued in favour of longer lines & wait times. Never shift labour from employees to customers.

26) Provide samples by arriving at regular community events (little league baseball games, boy scout things, etc. Sampling to share, not sampling for sales. Sampling says: we’re not just going to tell you how great our new beverage/sandwich is (advertising), we’re going to prove it to you. Try it yourself, on us. When you offer samples, you become a destination. When you turn into a mom & pop store, you become part of the fabric of the community.

o The way the sample is presented, it’s placement in the store, the time of day it’s offered, the way the person explains the new product to customers – all matter.

o Passive sampling – happens when customers help themselves to a product sample that is sitting on a table or near the main register. Active sampling occurs when a store partner serves samples to customers and engages them in conversation. Active sampling is by far the best way to connect with customers & drive sales

o Blended beverage bingo. Fun for employees.

27) Dedicates a portion of growth to cities with less than 100,000

28) Social lubricant (drink). 5 ways customers experience starbucks

o Ritualistic morning routine

o Meeting place with family/friends

o Professionals using is as an appropriate & comfortable place to socialize around business dealings

o A treat occasion where they will reward themselves with a decadently tasty beverage

o A place to retreat from all the excesses in life & just take a moment to exhale

29) As soon as a customer can beat you in price, all your loyal customers will shop their. Walls talk through sights & sounds, words & music, & energy.

30) Satisfies customers by opening more stores in more places to be convenient to more people. When a store approaches capacity, another is opened nearby (somewhere convenient). The first store takes a hit of about 15%, but is more convenient with shorter lines & wait times

31) Everything matters. Everything will be noticed at some time. Bathroom lighting, music, promo sign at cash, way things are prepared & delivered, way baristas dressed, way beans are mechandised on shelves, hours of operation signs, package design

32) If ppl relate to the company they work for, if they form an emotional tie to it and buy into its dreams, they will pour their heart into making it better.

33) Shared vision/shared fate – 20 + hours of training. Thriving employee community. Hire right/Fire wrong ppl fast. Offer a cup of coffee during the interview to see response.

34) Competitors can replicate products, not people. The best spokesperson for a company is someone who is happy with his job and respected by his fellow employees & peers

35) The purpose of a mission statement is to help make the best, most appropriate business decisions.

o Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.

The following six guiding principles will help us measure the appropriateness of our decisions:

Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.

Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business.

Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee.

Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time

Contribute positively to our communities and our environment.

Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success.

o Partners are encouraged to question any activity they believe the company is doing which goes against company values; lets employees know the company is listening and reacting to them; should the company implement something suggested, credit is given to that specific person

o Can you understand the mission enough to act on it?

36) Followership –energy should be spent working for decisions instead of against them. Legitimate leadership can exist only when those who are being led choose to follow, rather than being compelled or coerced to; that leaders seek to be servants first and leadership flows naturally from their role as servant.

o Passionate followership is founded upon a willingness and enthusiasm on the part of those being led – if you want passionate employees, you’ve got to serve them first

o Leadership can come in many forms, and anyone who serves the needs and wants to others has the potential to be a leader also

o Store managers taught in day long seminars empathy, listening and authenticity (true to your character)

o Would your employees work at your company if they didn’t need to?

o People quit people, not companies; they leave companies far more often due to bad management than because of bad business management

37) Genuineness (approachable & likeable), conscientiousness (considerate & pay attention to seemingly insignificant details), knowledge (asking questions), involvement. King Arthur flour

38) For hundreds of years these experiences have involved reading, music, culinary experiences, community, self discovery and creative inspiration. Abhor complacency (stay small, always frantic, just b/c you’re a the top don’t stop), resist conservatism (take risks, grow what you have – don’t just maintain it), fight conceit (decisions based on end user customer needs, not internal business needs)

o Solutions, not obstacles; instead of ‘that will never work, we tried it’ – “yes, and…” “yes, and we will need to solve for this issue because last time we did something similar and things didn’t work as expected” – this tells what current concerns are and teaches company history

39) Wait 6 weeks at a new job before speaking up with strong opinions (to learn)

40) Hire passion over experience. It’s better to hire people who can get you where you want than people who profess to have been there before. Place more importance on people who have a mix of verve, candor, can do spirit, and highly likeable personality than they do on people who have years of experience. Experienced people find ways to say “no, it can’t be done” more easily because they’ve invariably tried (and failed at) something similar in a different life; while passionate people, operating under refreshing naivete, will find ways to say Yes and not be inhibited by the ripples of past failures.

41) Someone who is always willing to stick their neck out or go against the grain if it meant avoiding a bad decisions, is always worth it in the long run, even if they are seen as less of a team player in the short run (poking holes in ideas, shooting ideas) Everyone should put their 2 cents, despite their fear of being ostracized. If everyone privately agrees on what to do, but because of fear of rejection by others, they openly agree to do the opposite, managing agreement becomes more critical than managing conflict. Dissent must be welcomed to empower employees and make them active participants. Participation is necessary for meetings; what’s the value you bring if you have nothing to offer.

42) Heated and contested conversations are healthy. All issues from all angles be discussed. Do employees look forward to meetings? Are decisions made from meetings? How productive are meetings? “effective meeting rules” signs to focus & encourage healthy discussion for all meetings

o Have a clear objective

o Follow a focused agenda

o Begin and end on time

o Have a designated leader and attendees who have clear roles

o Foster open, honest discussion

o Communicate next steps and responsibilities

o Fulfill its objectives

43) Organizational chart consists of you and the customer

44) Always measure your comparable job performance

o How much more did you contribute to the success of your company this year compared to last

o How have you gained more responsibility in the past year

o Are you more confident in your abilities to positively impact your company’s future

o Did you lead or participate in more project teams this year than last

o Were you involved in more worth while projects this year

o did you deliver more of your projects on time, on budget and on strategy this year

o do you have more direct reports this year than last

o what steps did you take in the past year to learn new skills

o do your peers have greater respect for your contribution as an employee and as a person this year compared to last year

o have you made more of a difference in the lives of your direct reports or peers this year than last

o do you feel more satisfied personally and professionally this year

 after reviewing this from the previous year, develop action steps in order to set the stage for positively comparing against yourself next year

 figure out how you are going to achieve your comparable performance growth goal

45) Mktg impacts employees. Mktg signage, posters, pamphlets are all exposed to employees more than customers. It can be used to inform and inspire employees. How are your marketing messages perceived by employees. Do you seek feedback from employees on how effective mktg and promo materials are? Customers rely on the opinions of those behind the counter to influence what they buy, do

46) Profits are an outcome of doing everything else right.

47) The only reason to start a new business or product is to change the world

48) Who are the influential people in your company?

o Declare how your business will change the world (even if just a small corner)

o Examine your current marketing programs and determine what needs to be improved, altered, or deleted altogether in order to follow through on your declaration

o Define all the project actions steps that need to be done by when and whom

o Enlist the assistance to influential people within your company who will help you better champion these marketing programs in order to receive the go ahead from the ultimate decision makers within your company

- stop thinking like a marketer and start thinking like a customer. Do this by assigning different people within your company the task of spending a day being a regular customer. Have them all buy products from your company and from at least 2 other direct competitors, as well as two unrelated business’. Require them to write up a short report outlining their shopping experiences as they related to how each of their 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) were (or were not) engaged during each shopping visit. In addition, have them not the 2 main takeaways they experienced from each place they shopped.

- Conduct a postmortem following the shopping experience assignment and discuss the takeaway from each person’s shopping experience. Based off the discussion, compile 3 lists of activities your company should STOP DOING, START DOING, and CONTINUE DOING

- Refine your STOP/START/CONTINUE list by evaluating the feasibility and remarkability of each activity on the list. Discard the unfeasible and unremarkable activities

- Activate your refined STOP/START/CONTINUE list by following steps 3 & 4 listed in the previous uno action steps and you will be o a much better path of memorable customer experiences

o Listen to your employees. Start designing ways in which you employees can submit ideas on how to improve the employee experience

o Respond to all employee submitted ideas. It is unrealistic to implement all the ideas employees send in, but it is realistic (and very important) to respond to every employee who submits an idea.

o Determine how much money your company spent last year on customer focused initiatives (ranging from product development to marketing programs) and compare it to how much the company spent on employee focused initiatives (ranging from training programs to incentive contests to costs associated with employee benefits). If the discrepancy is wide in favour of customers, consider ways to bring about a better balance between customer focused spending and employee focused spending

Sharing is learning

Open oneself up to being judged

Reading list p 241

My story: went there for 2 venti latte’s to see if caffeine had any effect.

Think of every successful business you can and list what makes them successful.

Think of an industry - What is the industry known for; what can be done different

Brainstorm – what is the employee experience – what are the things you’ve talked about – what impressed you – what can they look forward too – what is not offered anywhere else – what will blow their minds – what will make it the place to work – then get their input to take it further.

If using a billboard, no message, just logo.

Use different billboards/bus shelters, etc. to give directions, which in the end lead to the location you want the people at. Just directions. No clues. The curiosity will attract them.

Jobs – section of website

Experience – offer positions for things that need to be done to ppl without pay, but they will get the experience (ex, website, great mktg, etc.) which may lead to a paying job, good resume content, and a solid reference

Have a space for customers to provide you with stories or their experiences.

Should be a business class called: People

Goal: 0 zero employee turnover

Ask in interview “how much do you have to learn” Sometimes people with an abundance of experience have a dearth of humility

Perfect Store (Ebay)

- Fees strengthened the site p190

- Works best for items of uncertain value p199

- Setting a min bid is most successful

- Always ask the community about changes

- Bad PR is controversial PR, which is good PR

- Add a private msg board so you can refer to conditions



- any to many sites more powerful than one to many

- best way to make a site sticky is to give them a type of social component

- referred to as community, not customers

- ask the community for its opinions

- automated aspect is appealing to community (too much time to follow an auction & keep up with bidding)

- some companies use artificial scarcity – beanie babies were removed off the market annually, making all of the new ones a scarce commodity

- auctions excel when they are called on to set prices for items whose value is inherently indeterminate

- Collectors are amongst the earliest and most enthusiastic posters

- Antiques

- Philosophy: the community knows best

- Questions & Answers msg board – they never know what they will see when they drop by

- Strengths : # of users, community

- Seasonal: peak in new year

- There are several people using the web who have nothing better to do

- People who pus the limit posting get suspended

- Characters were added to the community

- Be quick & nimble


Allow users to give feedback on what they think the price should be.

Let them control the price. Or influence it up or down.

Items can be like stocks, with the price increasing as more demand occurs, decreasing with less.

Blogs where a different person makes each post continuing the last.

Accounts are suspended until people send in the $ to cover them.

Know when to scale down, and make sure you do it, unless you can sell your way out of it first.

Black & white photograph instead of color?

Webcam to webcam social site, supported by bandwidth between the 2 users.

Contact high volume sellers from ebay.

Set up notification system “Legal Buddies” and allow users to conduct their own searches – remove illegal items we are notified about.

How do you identify bots on your site? What do you do about them?

You don’t pay more than a customer is worth.

Going public attracts analysts, who can publish reports that get picked up by the media.

Go public and only make available 2 shares.

Be able to contact people who didn’t get what they want (those with lower offering) and offer them.

The difference btwn the internet & myspace : anyone can easily create their own page on myspace, whereas the internet is not as user friendly. – website creator, where people can easily plug different types of code into their webpage and create it.

One of your friends says – site where your friends anonymously tell you what they think.

Create bidding that’s not time sensitive – the bidders are notified when the final bid is about to win and have a period of time to counter. Have a blind final bid. Contact the users and have them bid aloud online.

Create live auctions on or whatever the site is

“You make sure it breaks the surface at just the right trajectory so it has so much speed by the time it hits the radar that it’s too late for the enemy.”


- ratings affect price

- suggestion board, where people vote on ideas

- page views per item, maps of where visitors are from (on aggregate scale may indicate demographics

- Where an offline community exists, internet can serve to strengthen social bonds w in

- Min. amt of feedback needed before it registers for everyone else to see ex. 10 ok deals to get a star. 1 complaint – pending till another ok given, 2nd complaint

- Remove offer

- Buyers did not think it was worth participating in an auction for a mass produced item whose value was well established

- Make it easier to sell an item than throw it away

o Autofill fields according to serial #’s

o Less keystrokes

- Monitor ISP address so people who abuse the system and have another acct are flagged if they use the same computer

o Mail sent should be registered so proof of delivery is available

o Checks can be traced to see whether cashed or not

o If possible it is recommended the people meet so they can view the goods

- Porn section will gain reputation as free porn site

- Mature audiences

o Prohibit ref. to bodily fluids

o Sexually explicit terms & items

o Film taken w hidden camera

o Items w necro, incest or other themes

- Individuals are main, business list themselves as indiv.

- See what ppl selling in misc to determine new categories

- Find bot programmers

- Storefronts?

- Put stuff from Winners up

- Get insurance co. to put up items

- Customer returns – major dept stores, Can T

- Problem in Canada – to far to ship, need closer communities

- Out of date stock, unsellable, discontinued


- warehouse square footage

- access to cheap labor

Profits go to school

- read, type

- electricity

- mail – pack, address, stamp

- receive money

- maintain equipment

- doing deals w big co.’s to sell their stuff takes away from little guys selling their stuff; always has to be a level playing field

- used u-wear problem; ppl want to post it; it will offend others; separate area for offensive items.

- Needs a time limit to create urgency

- Search function: arranges results in categories first so users can narrow it down.

How To Get Rich - Trump Notes




- If you don’t tell ppl about your success, they probably won’t know about it

- Short, fast & direct

- Never personally guarantee anything

- Stay focused

- Maintain momentum; stay current on the details of your field

- Get a great assistant [competent, work ethic, able to recognize the important ppl]

- Find out how fast they can work; “need something done in 15 min. b/c I’m leaving” (even though you’re not leaving)

- Don’t expect your employees to work harder than you do

- See problems as another way to prove yourself

- Co. is a living organism

o Allow good cells in the co. to flourish, watch out for bad ones

o Growth is an indication of life; keep moving

- What am I pretending not to see?

- If in danger of being fired, tell your boss you want to make sure you’re communicating & doing your job to everyone’s satisfaction; option; fire your boss & get a better job

- Never try to dissuade ppl from quitting if they don’t want to be there, you shouldn’t want them

- Get a pre-nup; In the event something happens, other people’s livelihoods could be at stake & you’re irresponsibility for taking this into consideration will be evident from not getting the pre-nuptial

o My note: if she’s really into you, she will do so with or without the money

o And why would you want someone who couldn’t support themselves anyway

- Employee who’s not as attentive as his position demands

o Tell him his poor performance is not his fault, it’s yours. You hired the wrong person by overestimating his capabilities. If he would like to change your mind about your initial mistake, it’s up to him.

- Keep a box by your desk for moments of the ppl and events that matter in your life & career. Review the contents every now & then will keep you aware of your good fortune

- If someone challenges you, always try to take the challenge & run with it

- Formula for success: Deliver The Goods

- Try to get ppl you like to work for you

- Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. In business, nothing is ever too small to notice

- Someone who consistently makes the same mistakes, works elsewhere

- Someone who likes what they do displays it through there attention to detail

- Be blunt

- Great leaders have no fear & tremendous positive energy

- Business is dramatic; nothing boring, nothing passive

- If you win on the big point, you don’t sweat the minor ones

- You never interrupt the boss in a meeting

- You never interrupt the client in a meeting

- Don’t volunteer deficiencies (things that are not your forte)

- Don’t take unnecessary abuse

o My note: grant @ min muffler BMW attitude

- The shifting dynamic of the group & their interplay, with its changing patterns & alliances = the way business teams function

- Don’t put up with nonsense from anyone

- You need

o An outstanding personality; makes everyone feel comfortable, able connect with the ppl you encounter, every hour, every day, no matter what you’re doing

o Combination of book brains & street smarts

o Creativity; ability to see beyond the obvious, making connections others may not envision

o Loyalty & trust

- there’s another side to everything; dvlp your ability to see it/hear it

- find what others have done to succeed; do 10x more

- let no one else be your yardstick; it takes power away from you

- try using downtime to re-energize; queit work times spread throughout the day

- dressing successfully means understanding your environment

o knowing the culture & making an effort to reflect & respect it

o don’t put unnecessary hurdles for yourself

o make it easy for ppl to take you seriously

- sex sells

- think of how you would like to be perceived & proceed from there

- I’ve known a lot of terrific looking scoundrels & well dressed bums

- Invest only in products you understand, with ppl you can trust; ppl with track records; those without will find a way to prove themselves

- Sometimes the best investments are the ones you don’t make

- You’ve got to give the ppl what they want (gossip)

- Sometimes when a friend is in trouble or has a problem, they can ask “Can I blame it on you?”

- New York Post, Page Six (read it), Richard Johnson

- Ppl don’t change their stripes

Ppl who have Ppl who haven’t

Chaulk Marsh

- You can knock 20% of ppl, maybe 30%, but not everyone

- Yell at ppl who cheat you. Then scream at them.

- Know how to prioritize; keep up your momentum (no bogged down conversations)

- Always ask experts. No second hand opinions.

- Its better to have too many than not enough.

- Even with a great mgmt team, its good to check things out for yourself as much as possible (renovations invitations from existing tenants, new tenants to see if everything is up to par)

- Reading enough publications lets you know the best funds, advisors, reporters/journalists

- If someone is talking bullshit; “Do you know who you’re talking to?” (saves a lot of yelling time) “Do I need to remind you maybe I know what I’m doing, or are you sharp enough to have just clued in?”

- Make everything entertaining

- After coming up with a great idea, ask ‘is it possible’ & ‘will this be feasible?’

- Get a pre-nup;

o It means you recognize life & parts involving love & business can be complicated

o It could jeopardize livelihoods of other employees

- Become best friends with everyone at the bank

o Talk to who’s in charge (not the figurehead) personally

o Arrange a meeting with them, ideally dinner (w their families) & get to know them

- Eliminate the middle man

o Lawyers never want to settle; their fees stop; same with similar servicemen

o Make the deals yourself. Control the situation

o Sue scoundrels; whenever possible settle; it saves time

- Every new hire is a gamble; look for

o Sense of responsibility going beyond what’s sufficient

o Those concerned about the org. as a whole

o Having a direct reln’s to success/failure of the co.; if they believe they are important, their work will show it; instill this sense of worth in your employees; you want ppl who take pride in their work

o Spend/save co. money like it’s theirs

o Can think on their feet

- Ideas; how they should be presented to you

o Limited time to present; direct

- Recognize ppl’s talent & give it a chance to unfold; put them where they will shine & succeed

- Ppl have diff ways of achieving results

o Figure out how each employee excels

o For some ppl, loss of a job is a good motivator

o Never demoralize ppl

- Think big; if it’s not a hit, what’s the diff b/w losing $100,000 & hundreds of millions? Either way you’ve lost, so you might have well really gone for it

- Be optimistic, but always be prepared for the worst

- Keep a list of quotes you can refer to at any time to change your attitude

- Avoid being the trigger & the revolver will not be threat

- Read Carl Jung. Memories, Dreams, Reflections

- Deflate an opponent with “Yeah, whatever you say.” Sometimes, rather than confronting a tyrant or psycho directly its more effective to keep the Kn to yourself & proceed accordingly behind the scenes

- Criticism

o consider the source; should this opinion even matter to you? If yes, can anything result from it?

- In every business, the bottom line is understanding the process. Part of this is doing your homework.

- What holds most of your attention; this will help in choosing a career or business

- The stronger the foundation the better

- Find out as much as you can yourself about what you plan to do

- Most ppl want what’s best for themselves


- best negotiators are chameleons; attitude, demeanor, approach & posture in the negotiation depends on person across the table

- if other party wants something you own, let them convince you that you really don’t want/need it; in doing so they’ll convince you of how badly they want it

- money is not the only consideration for exchange in the sale of assets; think beyond traditional boundaries

- learn the value of saying NO.


- Know the party across the table b4 sitting down; research who you are dealing with, how they negotiate, & what they want from you

- If you want the truth, go to the source & skip the translation by the intermediary (don’t deal with the agent)

o People will be impressed if you go out of your way to see them

- Know exactly what you want & keep it to yourself

- Write down your objectives and try to anticipate what the other side wants

- Find a way to talk & set up parameters to prevent either of you from getting locked in an impossible position

- Don’t be confined by your expectations

o What you think you want & actually want may be diff.

o Move forward in unexpected directions

o Assimilate new info quickly

- Let everyone come out a winner

- Let your guard down, only on purpose

o Offer a calc nugget of info or a provocative opinion to see the reaction

o Something said seemingly off the cuff may get a revealing response

o Make an outrageous comment to see whether others play along, take a stand & disagree; if helps asses the mettle

 Do they want to be liked

 Are they comfortable with unpredictability

 Are they capable o candor

- Show a lack of interest to speed up a deal (put off their calls & appear aloof)

o Tell them you’re traveling

- Slow down a deal; distract the other side; to send them off in a dirction to consume their time and focus

- Ex. Drop hints a certain aspect of the deal should be looked into further, or to mention other deal or properties as examples

o Ex. Suddenly ask if they know the history of a particular dvlpmt, implying their understanding may be crucial


- Be strategically dramatic (suing the city 5 mil)

- We do it for the trill of the hunt; the experience

- Being nice to some ppl never pays off

- Its about persuasion, not power

o Power is the ability to convince ppl to accept your ideas; it comes from knowing what you are doing

- If they think the decision is theirs, it gives them a feeling of control

- He who has the gold makes the rules

- If you know nothing about them, let them talk & observe, their tone, body lang, etc.

o Determine whether they want to make a deal or just show how smart they are

- Sometimes a negotiation works best after a few screams & some table pounding


- Study Regis Philbin

o He’s relaxed & funny, always relates to his audiences

o Give & take

o He shares

- Before getting to the formal presentation, be sure to establish a connection with the audience

- Think about your audience 1st; Involve your audience

- Tell stories, use humor

- Look for what you have in common

- Ppl are there to learn & be entertained

- Poke fun at yourself

- Figure out why things capture your attention


My Notes

- the longer you wait to do something, the more work it is & time it takes

- if you’re not in the position to do so, don’t; if they think you are, you might be

- get to know good coaches & owners of sports teams ex. George Steinbrenner (Yankees), Bob Kraft (Patriots), Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys), Bob Tisch (NY Giants)

- Eating = 15 min + no distractions

- Work 10 hrs/day

- Professionals can, in the company of those they are not found of , put their differences aside & complete the task at hand (work together)

- Each situation is unique, allowing my assessment to be unique, with no time constraints. Very restrained in regard to making decisions. Peoples don’t see the process; they only see the results

- If the guys were smart in the Apprentice, they would have hired girls to sell the lemonade for them

- If you don’t have what they have [are using], you can get it [hire it, buy it, rent it]; or something better

- Your time is something you invest in many areas. Make sure your time investment is inline with your goals & interests.

- If they like you they will want to do business with you b/c they enjoy you (& their work) even at a lower price

Lean Thinking p1 - 104

Lean Thinking

Part 1 Lean Principles

Lean Thinking versus Muda


- value can only be defined by the ultimate customer

- value is created by the producer

- business school trained executives of western firms usually have a slick presentation about their org, tech, core competencies & strategic intentions. They talk about their short term competitive problems (specifically their need to garner adequate profits in the next quarter and consequent cost cutting initiatives.


- customers across the world like products designed with an eye to local needs; products made to their precise order to be delivered immediately

- outdated thinking about economies of scale; producing using assets they’ve already bought; producing what they know how to produce


- airlines – low cost, point to point services using smaller jets; quick turnaround systems for small jets at airports

- old fashioned “efficiency” thinking suggests the best way to make use of these assets and technologies is to get larger batches


- ignore existing assets and technologies; rethink firms on a product line basis with strong dedicated product teams.

- Lean thinking must start with a conscious attempt to precisely define value in terms of specific products with specific capabilities offered at specific prices through a dialogue with specific customers.


- the initial ingot of material (ex. Nickel) was 10 times the weight of the machined parts eventually fashioned from it. 90% of the very expensive metals were being scrapped because the initial ingot was poured in a massive size – melters were certain this was efficient – without much attention to the shape of the finished parts.

- Firms are accustomed to looking carefully at their own affairs but had simply never taken the time to look at the whole value stream, including the consequences of their internal activities for other firms along the stream.


- Creating lean enterprises does require a new way to think about firm to firm relations, some simple principles for regulating behaviour between forms and transparency regarding all the steps taken along the value stream so each participant can verify that the other firms are behaving in accord with the agreed principles.


- Looking at the problem from the standpoint of the newsletter which wants to get mailed in the quickest way with the least effort

o 2 options to fold, address, seal and stamp & mail a newsletter: Fold all of them, address all of them, seal all of them, mail all of them. Or do them each individually.

o Wouldn’t doing it individually (folding one, then addressing, then sealing then stamping, then mailing) avoid the wasted effort of picking up an putting down every newsletter four times?

o Most of the world has a profound conviction that performing tasks in batches is best, and fails to consider that a rethink of the task might permit continuous flow and more efficient work.

- Things work better when you focus on the product and its needs, rather than the organization or the equipment, so that all the activities needed to design, order, and provide a product occur in continuous flow.


- The challenge with flow thinking is counterintuitive; it seems obvious to most people that work should be organized by departments in batches. Once departments and specialized equipment for making batches at high speeds are put in place, both the career aspirations of employees within departments and the calculations of the corporate accountant (who wants to keep expensive assets fully utilized) work powerfully against switching over to flow.

- the reengineering movement recognized that departmentalized thinking is suboptimal and tried to shift the focus from organizational categories (departments) to value creating ‘processes’, but this doesn’t go far enough conceptually. It still deals with disconnected and aggregated processes (ex. Order taking for a whole range of products) rather than the entire flow of value creating activities for specific products.

- They often stop at the boundaries of the firm paying their fees, whereas major breakthroughs come from looking at the whole value stream.

- The lean alternative is to redefine the work of functions, departments & firms so they can make a positive contribution to value creation and to speak to the real needs of employees at every point along the stream so it is actually in their interest to make value flow.

- The demands of customers become much more stable when they know they can get what they want right away and when producers stop periodic price discounting campaigns to move goods already made which no one wants.


- how can performance be improved: sweat and longer hours are not the answer but will be employed if no one know how to work smarter.

- When employees begin to feel the immediate feedback from making product development, order taking, production flow and are able to see the customer’s satisfaction, much of the carrot and stick apparatus of open book management’s financial reward system becomes unnecessary.



- Carl Sewell, Customers for Life

- Home Builder: Teach your workforce the principles, collect and analyze data on every aspect of the business, remove individual sales commissions (which destroy quality consciousness), eliminate the superintendent bonus (builder bonus, who were qualifying for the on time completion bonus by making side deals with customers on a “to be done later” list, reduced contractor corps by 2/3, and required remaining contractors to attend (and pay for) his monthly quality seminars, monitored customer surveys

- Wiremold: formed a team for each product to stick with that product during its entire production life (a marketer, product engineer & tooling/process engineer), who proceeded to enter into a dialogue with leading customers (major contractors) in which all of the old products and solutions were ignored. Instead, the customer and the producer focused on the value the customer really needed.

- Firms need to be searching for fundamentally new capabilities that will permit them to create value in unimagined dimensions, most firms can substantially boost sales immediately if they find a mechanism for rethinking the value of their core products to their customers.


- Travel: the problem is each firm is providing a partial product, often only looking inward toward its won operational “efficiency” while no one was looking at the whole product through the eyes of the customer. The minute the focus is shifted to the whole as seen by the customer, obvious questions emerge.


- Producers must accept the challenge of redefinition, because this is often the key to finding more customers, and the ability to find more customers and sales very quickly is critical to the success of lean thinking; this is because lean organizations are always freeing up substantial amounts of resources. If they are to defend their employees and find the best economic use for their assets as they strike out on a new path, they need to find more sales right now. Beginning with a better specification of value can often provide the means.

The Target Cost


** the most important task in specifying value, once the product is defined, is to determine a TARGET Cost based on the amount of resources and effort required to make a product of given specification and capabilities if all the currently visible muda were removed from the process. Doing this is the key to squeezing out the waste

- Conventional firms set target selling prices based on what they believe the market will bear. They then work backwards to determine acceptable costs to ensure an adequate profit margin, and they must do this any time they begin to develop a new product

- Difference: Lean enterprises look at the current bundles of pricing and features being offered customers by conventional firms and then ask how much cost they can take out by full application of lean methods. They ask, what is the waste free cost of this product, once unnecessary steps are removed and value is made to flow? This becomes the target cost for the development, order taking and production activities necessary for this product.

- Because the target is certain to be far below the costs borne by competitors, the lean enterprise has choices: reduce prices (another way to increase sales volume and utilize freed up resources); add features or capabilities to the product (which should also increase sales); add services to the physical product to create additional value (and jobs); expand the distribution and service network (again increasing sales, although with a time lag); or take profits to underwrite new products (which will increase sales in the longer term).

- Once the target cost is set for a specific product, it becomes the lens for examining every step in the value stream for product development, order taking, and production (this latter being called operations in the case of a service like insurance or transportation). The relentless scrutiny of every activity along the value steam – asking whether a specific activity really creates any value for the customer – becomes the key to meeting the aggressive cost target.

The Value Stream

** Creating a Value Stream map identifying every action required to design, order, and make a specific product is to sort these actions into 3 categories

1) those which actually create value as perceived by the customer

2) those which create no value but are currently required by the product development, order filling, or production systems [Type 1 muda] so can’t be eliminated just yet;

3) those actions which don’t create value as perceived by the customer [Type 2 muda] and so can be eliminated immediately. Once this third set has been removed, the way is clear to go to work on the remaining non-value-creating steps through use of the flow, pull, and perfection techniques.


- Cola: during most of the development period the concept is sitting still, awaiting feedback from the group which conducts the clinics on all the firm’s products or awaiting its place on the schedule of the department which conducts small scale market trials for all products.

- [Benchmarkers] who discover their performance is superior to their competitors’ have a natural tendency to relax, while mass producers discovering their performance is inferior often have a hard time understanding exactly why. They tend to get distracted by easy to measure or impossible to emulate differences in factor costs, scale, or culture, when the really important differences lie in the harder to see ways value creating activities are organized.

- Advice: tell hell with your competitors; complete against perfection by identifying all activities that are waste and eliminating them. This is an absolute rather than a relative standard which can provide the direction for any organization.



- once value is defined and the entire value stream is identified,


1) focus on the actual object: the specific design, the specific order, and the product itself (a ‘cure,’ a trip, a house, a car), and never let it out of sight from beginning to completion.

2) Ignore the traditional boundaries of jobs, careers, functions (often organized into departments), and firms to form a lean enterprise removing all impediments to the continuous flow of the specific product.

3) Rethink specific work practices and tools to eliminate backflows, scrap and stoppages of all sorts so that the design, order, and production of the specific product can proceed continuously.

These 3 steps must be taken together.

- Most managers imagine that the requirements of efficiency dictate designs, orders, and products go “through the system” and good management consists of avoiding variances in the performance of the complex system handling a wide variety of products. The real need is to get rid of the system and start over, on a new basis.


- the lean approach is to create truly dedicated product teams with all the skills needed to conduct value specification, general design, detailed engineering, purchasing, tooling and production planning in one room in a short period of time using a proved team decision making methodology commonly called Quality Function Deployment (FD). This method permits development teams to standardize work so that a team follows the same approach every time. Because very team in a firm also follows this approach, it’s possible to accurately measure throughput time and to continually improve the design methodology itself.

- Dedicated teams do not need to be as large as traditionally thought, the smaller the better. A host of narrowly skilled specialists are not needed because most marketing, engineering, purchasing and production professionals actually have much broader skills than they have 1) ever realized, 2) ever admitted, or 3) ever been allowed to use. When a small team is given the mandate to ‘just do it,’ it is always found the professionals suddenly discover each can successfully cover a much broader scope of tasks than they have ever been allowed to previously.


- Production slots created by takt time calculation are clearly posted.

- Complete display, so everyone can see where production stands at every moment, is an excellent example of another critical lean technique, transparency or visual control.

- Transparency facilitates consistently producing to takt time and alerts the whole team immediately to the need either for additional orders or to think of ways to remove waste if takt time needs to be reduced to accommodate an increase in orders.

- Raising awareness of the tight connection between sales and production also helps guard against one of the great evils of traditional selling and order taking systems: resorting to bonus systems to motivate a sales force working with no real knowledge of or concern about the capabilities of the production system. These methods produce periodic surges in orders at the end of each bonus period (even though underlying demand hasn’t changed) and an occasional “order of the century” drummed up by a bonus hungry sales staff, which the production system can’t possibly accommodate. Both lead to late deliveries and bad will from the customer.


- To get continuous flow systems to flow for more than a minute or two at a time, every machine and every worker must be completely ‘capable.’ That is, they must always be in proper condition to run precisely when needed and every part made must be exactly right. By design, flow systems have an ‘everything works or nothing works’ quality which must be respected and anticipated.

- This means the production team must be cross skilled in every task (in case someone is absent or needed for another task) and the machinery must be made 100% available and accurate through a series of techniques called Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

- It also means work must be rigorously standardized - by the work team, not by some remote industrial engineering group – and that employees and machines must be taught to monitor their own work through a series of mistake proofing (poka-yoke) which make it impossible for even one defective part to be sent ahead to the next step

- 5S (where all debris and unnecessary times are removed an every tool has a clearly marked storage place visible from the work area)

- status indicators and clearly posted up to date standard work charts, displays of key measurables and financial information on the costs of the process

- the precise techniques will vary with the application, but the key principle does not: Everyone involved must be able to see and must understand every aspect of the operation and its status at all times

- this typically can be done very quickly and almost never requires major capital investments; if you think you need to spend large sums to convert equipment from large batches to small batches or single pieces, you don’t yet understand lean thinking


- when production is broken into product families, it is often the case no family accounts for the kind of volume needed for track assembly. Manual advancing of the product through assembly is often cheaper.



- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, University of Chicago, studied what makes people feel good

- the types of activities which people all over the world consistently report as most rewarding (make them feel the best) involve a clear objective, a need for concentration so intense that no attention is left over, a lack of interruptions and distractions, clear and immediate feedback on progress toward the objective, and a sense of challenge – the perception that one’s skills area adequate, but just adequate, to cope with the task at hand.

- When people find themselves in these conditions they lose their self consciousness and sense of time. They report the task itself becomes the end rather than a means to something more satisfying, like money or prestige. People experiencing these conditions are in a highly satisfying psychological state of flow.

- Work is rated as the most important overall life activity. In classic batch and queue work conditions, the worker can see only a small part of the task, there is often no feedback (much less immediate feedback), the task requires only a small portion of one’s concentration and skills, and there are constant interruptions to deal with other tasks in one’s area of responsibility.

- Work in an organization where value is made to flow continuously also creates the conditions for psychological flow. Every employee has immediate knowledge of whether the job has been done right and can see the status of the entire system. Keeping the system flowing smoothly with no interruptions is a constant challenge, and a very difficult one, but the product team has the skills and a way of thinking which is equal to the challenge. And because of the focus on perfection, the whole system is maintained in a permanent creative tension which demands concentration.



- Toyota applied their standard formula machines should be available for production about 90% of the time and down for changeovers about 10 % of the time

- Don’t make anything until it is needed; then make is very quickly


- Toyota had to convince its employees the new way of thinking would not cause anyone to lose his job

- Warehouse

o Reduce bin sizes and relocated parts by size and frequency of demand.

o Trying to pick large & small parts on the same run caused lost parts and use of grossly oversized equipment, so parts were segregated to small, medium & large categories with their own sections of the warehouse

o Parts most frequently demanded were moved closest to the start of the sorting and picking runs

Scan in b4 & after picks

- batch size of replenishment orders must be changed

- concepts of standard work & visual control used by dividing the workday into 12 minute cycles. An interval of this length was found to be the best compromise between walking distance and cart size in making a round of the bins to load or unload a cart.

- During each cycle an ‘associate’ (as hourly workers were now called), was expected to pick or bin a different number of lines, depending on the size of the part.; in a 12 minute picking cycle, 30 lines of small parts or 20 lines of medium parts or 12 lines of large parts.

- A progress control board was constructed between the receiving dock and the shipping dock to show everyone the number of cycles to be completed and the time available. Each associate was given a stack of magnetic markers of a given color and asked to place a marker in the appropriate square on the progress control board each time a cycle was completed. Everyone could now see exactly how the work was proceeding, a good example of visual control where everyone works out of contact with everyone else.

- The control board eliminated the need for ‘team leaders’ (as supervisors were now called), to supervise teams. Instead everyone could look at the board, observe that one worker was falling behind, and provide that worker with help once other tasks were finished.

- Visual control & exact work cycles also made it possible to address the causes of disruptions in work flow. The right side of the progress control board provided a blank area beside each cycle for associates to write in the reason a cycle could not be completed on time. These reasons became the raw materials for directing work team kaizen activities.


- new work carts were built to the right sized for each type of picking or binning task, and designed to hold just the right # of parts (another type of visual control)

- main computer reprogrammed to group orders from dealers by bin location so a set of picking labels in precise bin order was printed out at the beginning of each shift. Picking labels were divided into 12 minute cycles and placed in pigeonholes in a dispatch box Pickers obtained their jobs of exactly 12 minutes duration from the dispatch box, always taking labels from the next available slot so there could be no possibility of favouritism in work assignments. Each associate was given 5 assignments/hour and work could proceed in a smooth flow from shelves to shipping dock. Posting start times above the slots & visually controlling completion times also eliminated another traditional warehousing problem or working ahead to ‘beat the system,’ which invariably led to quality problems as associates in their hasted picked the wrong part or put parts in the wrong bins

- switched from weekly to daily orders, smaller dock area due to smoother flows with no surges

p80 scan

- level scheduling needs level selling.

- Temporary increases in orders (due to sales & promotions)increase the level above long term average demand, followed by a drop in orders, requiring costs such as overtime, excess capacity, shipping, stocking, picking. The solution is to concentrate on level selling by keeping prices constant and making replacement parts at the exact rate parts were being sold.

- The difficulty persuading people to go along with the improved method comes from generations of batch & queue thinking.


- it is hypothesized half of the downswing of economic activity in business cycles is due to consumers and producers working off the inventories built up toward the top of the cycle, and ½ the upswing is due to building up new inventories in expectation of higher upstream prices.



- no matter how many times employees improve a given activity to make it leaner, they could always find more ways to remove waste by eliminating effort, time, space and errors.; and the activity became progressively more flexible and responsive to customer pull

- traditional management often fails to grasp the concept of perfection through endless steps, which is a fundamental principle of lean thinking.

- Quality problems causing high levels of scrap are difficult to address when there are long time lags between different steps in the process (pressing, encapsulation, & installation). These problems are likely to be discovered in a lean process where processes are close together and no time lag exists


- In order to form a view of what perfection is, value steam mangers need to apply the 4 lean principles of value specification, value stream identification, flow and pull. You are competing against perfection, not competitors, so it is necessary to gauge the gap between current reality to perfection. Then decide which forms of waste to attack first, by means of policy deployment.

- Trying to envision perfection and getting there is impossible, but the effort to do so provides inspiration and direction essential to making progress along the path.

- Besides forming a picture with the appropriate technologies, managers need to set a stringent timetable for steps along the path.

- The greatest difference between those organizations that have done a lot and those that have accomplished little or nothing is that the high achievers set specific timetables to accomplish the seemingly impossible tasks and then routinely met or exceeded them.

- The low achievers, by contrast, asked what would be reasonable for their current organization and disconnected value streams to accomplish, and generally defeated themselves before they ever set out

- Policy deployment: top management agrees on a few simple goals for transitioning from mass to lean, to select a few projects to achieve these goals, to designate the people and resources for getting the projects done, and to establish numerical improvement targets to be achieved by a given point in time.

- Often organizations construct an annual policy deployment matrix which summarizes goals, project for that year, and targets for these projects so every one in the entire organization can see them. In doing this, it’s essential to openly discuss the amount of resources available in relation to the targets so everyone agrees as the process begins it is actually doable.

Scan p96 matrix

- once specific projects are agreed on, it’s essential to consult with the project teams about the amount of resources and time available to ensure the projects are realistic. The teams are collectively responsible for getting the job done and must have both the authority and resources from the outset

- as the concept of making a dramatic transition begins to take hold, we often observe that everyone in an organization wants to get involved and the number of projects tends to multiply. This is exhilarating but is actually the danger signal too much is being taken on. The most successful firms we’ve found have learned how to ‘deselect’ projects, despite the enthusiasm of parts of the organization, in order to bring the number of projects into line with the available resources. This is the critical final step before launching the lean crusade.

- The techniques themselves and the philosophy are inherently egalitarian and open. Transparency in everything is a key principle. Policy deployment operates as an open process to align people and resources with deployment tasks. And massive an continuing amounts of problem solving are conducted by teams of employees who historically have not even talked to each other, much less treated each other as equals.

- The catalytic force moving firms and value steams out of the world of inward looking batch and queue is generally applied by an outsider who breaks all the traditional rules, often in a moment of profound crisis. We call this individual the change agent.

- The change agent is typically something of a tyrant, hellbent on imposing a profoundly egalitarian system in profoundly inegalitarian organizations

- Those who succeed in creating lean systems over the long term are clearly understood by the participants in the firm and along the value steam to be promoting a set of ideas which have enormous potential for benefiting everyone.

- Those who fail are either identified as narrow technocrats with no concern for the very real human issues inherent in the transition, or they are dismissed by the organization as self promoters who are simply seeking to advance their own position by riding the wave of ‘the next program’. Both quickly fall victim to organizational lassitude, if not to active sabotage.

Withholding information & knowledge

Withholding information & knowledge prevents rapid progress and development; blinding us to the fact that evolution is a process that never stops. An open ended supply of new participants brings fresh ideas and energy; an isolationist attitude holds us back. - Twight


From any computer, this gives access to our opinion & notes of what's felt most relevant from some of what we've read; may not be spelled checked; contain other notes & short hand;