Leading the 2nd Lean Implementation - High Volume, Low Mix
Despite implementing Lean in each previous position, this is referred to as the 2nd Lean Implementation because it was the 2nd time Ryan was to drive implementation across the organization, in this case one site with multiple facilities.
A primary requirement identified for the turnaround at this site was to reduce setup times thereby lowering volume and increasing mix to grow the business.
The mass production mindset was driving the same predicable issues it always does, which further reinforced the importance of senior management’s need to learn to lead from the top down, starting with the offsite CEO & executive management.
Prior to his arrival executive management had made the common mistake of delegating their implementation.
From what he was told they demanded a 5S ‘clean up’ be completed by a certain date.
The site had created a separate team to execute this, and millions of dollars worth of parts - many irreplaceable spares – were disposed of against both the teams’ & employee’s recommendations.
This obviously drove a bigger rift between the union & management, however it also created tension between the team & employees. It also reduced site management’s respect for head office as it exposed the senior executives lack of management understanding and judgement.
The site was also losing money.
All combined this was the worst situation Ryan had encountered so far, which is why he was so excited about the opportunity.
Some photos from one of several rapid improvements (kaizens), this one a SMED event Ryan led. Here he coached each employee to learn the tools through them reviewing their videos, interpreting & listing their own data, creating their own standard work combination sheets, standard work sheets / spaghetti diagrams, etc.
Through participation/application they were learning how to use these processes so they could improve them in the future without him.
This is one of the ways he engages people to develop & empower them to improve their own work independently.
Parts of this turn around consisted of
Coaching management in lean business practice and facilitating rapid improvement events
Conducting 5S and SMED training & implementation
Participating & facilitating 2P events for capital expenditure projects and $60m plant expansion
Chairing the Site Steering Committee, maintaining senior management focus on the prime sources of financial improvement
How I Started in Business – Initial Investment & Startups
Leading the 1st Lean implementation – Low Volume High Mix
Leading the 2nd Lean Implementation – High Volume Low Mix
1 Off Custom Manufacturing - No Volume High Mix
Lean Product & Process Development – Technology Startup Ramp-up
Leading the 3rd Lean Implementation – LPPD heavy industry
ACL Repair & Regrown - InternalBrace Ligament Augmentation